Project Nebula

Spaceport America Cup 2019

2019 was our first year competing in the Spaceport America Cup (formerly the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition) in the 10K COTS category, which requires launching an 8.8 lb payload to 10,000 ft. The team was led by Jorge Reyes MAE '19. We placed 7 out of 46 in our category, with a successful launch to over 10,700 ft and safe recovery.

• Successful launch and recovery to >10,700 ft and Mach 0.79
• Placed 7/46th in the 10k COTS division of the Spaceport America Cup
• PRC's first ever competitive rocket
• Largest successfully recovered rocket in PRC history

Lead: Jorge Reyes Vehicle Leads: Douglas Chin, Roger Hou Team Members: Yousuf Tariq-Shuaib, Sarah Witzman, Harrison Shapiro

Technical Report

The attached technical report was submitted as the final technical report to the Spaceport America Cup competition. Note that in the final vehicle, a boilerplate payload was used instead of the planned Rubik’s Cube solver.